+73 099 321 312

Anabe roga or foot rot

The disease progresses slowly without any visible symptoms which make the disease difficult to detect during the early stages of infection. . The infection begins from the roots but the external symptoms appear on young palm as one-sided yellowing or molting of lower fronds, followed by necrosis.The roots of the infected palms werevery friable and their internal tissues become very dry and powdery. The cortical tissue was brown and disintegrated easily, while the stele becomes black in color.

Disease causing Species Name:

Ganoderma applanatum

Major Plants under threat:


Method of Application:

seed treatment, soil application, foliar spray


Spray on the foliage during evening hours. Apply in wet soil as basal dose along with organic manure and refresh it periodically along with organic manure


The normal dosage of ABTEC Tricho is 10 ml/litre per plant. Seed treatment: For seeds mix 10 ml ABTEC Tricho / kg of seeds. Seedlings or planting setts can be dipped for 30 min @ 250 – 500 ml per 50 to 60 litre water before planting. After each treatment allow the seed / seedling / sett to dry in shade for 30 minutes before planting. Soil Application: Mix 2 litre ABTEC Tricho (for 1 acre) with 200 kg ABTEC Super Organic Manure or Farm Yard Manure and apply in moist soil / base of trees. Applying 10-20ml /plant as prophylactic treatment gives better results. Foliar Spray: Mix 500 ml ABTEC Tricho in 50 litres of water and spray
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