Leaf blast of paddy
On the leaves, the lesions appear as small bluish green flecks. The lesions soon enlarge under moist weather to form the characteristic spindle shaped spots with grey centre and dark brown margin (Leaf blast). The spots coalesce as the disease progresses and large areas of the leaves dry up and wither. Spots also appear on sheath. Severely infected nursery and field appear as burnt.
Black lesions appear on nodes girdling them. The affected nodes may break up and all the plant parts above the infected nodes may die (nodal blast).
Nodal infection causes the culm to break at the infected area. Inter nodal infection also occurs at the base of the plant which causes white panicles similar to that induced by yellow stem borer or water deficit
Lesions on the neck are grayish brown and causes the girdling of the neck and the panicle to fall over. If infection of the neck occurs before milky stage, no grain is formed, but if infection occurs later, grains of poor quality are formed. Lesions on the branches of the panicles and on the spikelet pedicels are brown to dark brown. The size and shape of the spots vary on different rice varieties.
Disease causing Species:
Magnaporthe grisea
Major Plants under threat:
Method of Application:
Soil application, foliar spray,drip irrigation. se the spray solution as a direct spray targeting the pests on the undersides of the leaves.
Foliar spray : During evening hours
The normal dosage of ABTEC Pseudo is 20g per plant. Seed treatment: Spray the seeds with a sticky / gummy solution like starch solution or jaggery solution, so that the surface of the seed will be wet. Take ABTEC Pseudo in a tray (@ 25 g/1 kg of seeds), add the wet seeds to this and gently mix by rolling the seeds in the powder so that the seeds will be coated uniformly. Dry the seeds in shade for 30 minutes and sow within a day. For seedlings, dip the seedlings in a slurry of ABTEC Pseudo ( make a 5 – 10% slurry in sticky solution) for 5 – 10 minutes before planting. Soil Application: ABTEC Pseudo can be used for soil application after mixing with appropriate amount of ABTEC Super Organic Manure or Farm Yard Manure @ 20kg /Ha. Foliar Spray: Mix 1kg ABTEC Pseudo in 50 litres of water and spray on the foliage
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