Potato rot nematode

Rotting and discoloration of subterranean plant tissue. In potatoes, early infection can be detected by small white spots underneath the potato’s skin. As the disease progresses, these spots become larger and darker with a spongy or hollow appearance.Tubers develop sunken areas and the skin becomes dry, cracked, and detached from the underlying flesh. There is further discoloration at this stage that is often due to secondary invasions of fungi, bacteria, and free-living nematodes. Above ground symptoms are usually not seen, although heavily infected plants are often weaker, smaller and can have curled or discolored leaves.

Disease causing Species:

Ditylenchus destructor

Major Plants under threat:


Method of Application:

Soil application, foliar spray,drip irrigation. se the spray solution as a direct spray targeting the pests on the undersides of the leaves.


Apply in wet soil as basal dose along with organic manure and refresh it periodically along with organic manure.


The normal dosage of ABTEC Bacillus is 10 ml/l per plant. For seeds mix 10 ml ABTEC Bacillus / kg of seeds.Seedlings or planting setts can be dipped for 30 minutes @ 250 – 500 ml per 50 to 60 litre water before planting. Soil Application: Mix 2 litre ABTEC Bacillus (for 1 acre) with 200 kg ABTEC Super Organic Manure or Farm Yard Manure and apply in moist soil / base of trees.

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