Spiral Whitefly insect

Rugose spiralling whitefly can cause stress to the plant by removing nutrients and water. Besides, whitefly excretes a sticky, glistening liquid substance (honeydew), which provides an excellent substrate for growth of sooty molds, which turn the shiny liquid into a black-colored viscous liquid. Once it dries, the sooty mold forms thick layers on the host leaves and other non-plant surfaces. The layers of sooty mold on leaves may disrupt the photosynthesis process in the host leading to physiological disorders. Honeydew also attracts ants and wasps that protect the whiteflies from their natural enemies

Disease causing Species:


Major Plants under threat:


Method of Application:

Soil application, foliar spray,drip irrigation. se the spray solution as a direct spray targeting the pests on the undersides of the leaves.


Before pest attack : once in every 15 days. Post attack: spray all over the plant once in every 4 days


Foliar Spray: Add 1 litre water to 5 ml ABTEC Bio Neem, in case of a pest/insect attack. Otherwise, apply ABTEC Bio Neem @ 5ml/litre of water